Teen birth control myths

Teen birth control myths

How much do you know about birth control types, teen pregnancy, sex myths, birth control myths and your chances of becoming pregnant? Can you identify the myths verses the facts? With the birth control methods or contraceptives evolved, the prevalent myths surrounding their use and rumour have caught wildfire.

Myths about the way you have sex are very common. Some of the most prevalent myths about birth control and sex are given below:

1. If she doesn’t have an orgasm

This is most common myth among teenagers that if the girl doesn’t reach climax during sex she will be safe and will not get pregnant. But the pleasure has nothing to do with birth control. If you enjoy sex, with or without orgasm, you can still get pregnant.

2. Sex standing-up

One of the most common myth is that pregnancy is not a chance when you have sex in a standing up position. However, this is untrue, if you are standing up while having sex you can still get pregnant. The position you are in while engaging in intercourse is not a birth control method and it is mere a myth that you are less likely to get pregnant. It will most likely result in failure.

3. Pregnancy: Age no bar

Not only teenagers, women in their late 40s have unintended pregnancies. A report of the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy reveals that the birthrate among women of age 15 years to 19 years has witnessed a steep fall and dropped down by 35 percent since 1991. Some older women have a common misconception that they can’t get pregnant due to their age and menopause and stop using protection.

4. Over-stretched condoms

The teenagers believe that the tighter a condom fits, the more protected the partner is. They have a mistaken belief that sperms will less likely to seep out from the tighter condom or the possibility to slip off the condom during sex will be lesser. However, it should be kept in mind that too tight condom may rupture during intercourse that is why it is advised to leave some space near tip to safely catch the sperm once the man ejaculates.

5. Can’t get pregnant if having sex during periods

Almost all of us believe that it is practically impossible for a girl to conceive during her menstrual cycle. But this is hardly a myth though it’s uncommon but possible. Generally, when you are having your period it means you are not ovulating. In this case, you will not get pregnant. But sperm can live inside a girl’s body for up to five days so you could become pregnant if you ovulate anytime within seven days of having unprotected sex. This can be happened with the females having irregular or shorter cycles because ovulation actually can take place during their period. And it is not guaranteed if you will ovulate mid-cycle or not.

6. Showering, douching, jumping up and down or bathing

If you shower, douche, jump up and down or bath immediately after having sexual intercourse with your partner, this will not keep sperm away from fertilizing an egg once they ejaculated. These are not very effective methods to avoid pregnancy or birth control. Urinating or taking a bath or shower also will not wash sperm out. On the other hand, it is also suggested to not to spray deodorant or anything else on vagina. It won’t work and can be harmful also.

7. Birth control pills or withdrawal

This contraception—birth control pills—have side effects and can cause breast cancer. Withdrawal is not always a reliable method. This is huge myth. Semen anywhere near the vagina can still lead to pregnancy. The fluid ejaculated contains 300,000 sperm and even one sperm is enough to make your pregnant. Besides, it can be hard to keep control at the time of climax and if man ejaculates outside the vagina, sperm can swim.

8. Oral and manual

Oral and manual and anal sex involves equal risk. Anal sex can spread Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). It is advised to use condom to avoid the chances of infection. Similarly oral sex can also cause plenty of diseases so use dental dams in this case. Though these acts haven’t much chance to get you pregnant as pregnancy can is possible only when semen directly gets into female’s vagina.

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