Hypothyroidism Symptoms

Hypothyroidism: Symptoms

Top Symptoms

1. Weight gain and water retention

Unexpected weight gain and difficulty in losing it may be a primary noticeable signal indicating hypothyroidism. Reduced thyroid function is the result of the thyroid’s impaired ability to produce hormones, or its proper utilisation causing the hypothyroid patient gain a lot of weight, that too in a complex manner, as it is not due to excess fat accumulation as seen in normal conditions but this extra weight gained is due to excessive salt and water retention in the body, which in turn is again because of lowered BMR. Delay in treatment may lead to obesity and other related problems.

2. Constipation

Thyroid hormone normally stimulates metabolism, thus less than required production and distribution of thyroid slows the actions of the digestive tract, causing constipation. Constipation shows its impact on other body parts too, causing sores on tongue and mouth and pimples on the face, if its persists longer. If this condition is not treated, the digestive tract may get blocked and hinder movement of contents entirely in the passage, which could affect the body adversely.

3. Fatigue

Sleepiness after eating, weakness, light headedness, loss of coordination, sluggishness or laziness, falling asleep during the day, excessive need for sleep, and difficulty to wake up are some of the indications that the body functions are impaired. When the BMR of an individual is lowered, it somehow affects all other functions of the body. An extreme state of fatigue may be significantly seen in an hypothyroidic individual.

4. Cold intolerance

Cold intolerance is a physical condition of the human body, where it suddenly becomes resistant to cold. Increased sensitivity is seen to even slightly cold temperatures leading to constant shivering and feeling too cold. This inability to tolerate cold is a result of thyroid’s impaired ability to produce hormones, or proper utilisation of thyroid in the human body. It should be treated soon as it affects the immune system, starting from sensitivity to cold, it gets into major complexities, affecting the system and weakening the body.

5. Bradycardia

Bradycardia is a situation when there is extremely low heart rate. The normal heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute, but in a hypothyroid patient it is less than 60 beats per minute. The most common electrocardiographic changes because of hypothyroidism in any human being are that it weakens their respiratory muscles and decreases lung function that leads to weakness because of the underactivity of the heart. Disorders of the thyroid gland adversely affects the health of an old cardiac patient or cause new symptoms, that accelerate the underlying heart problem if proper medication is not taken on time.

6. Decreased sweating, thin brittle nails and coarse hair

The hormones secreted by the thyroid gland help regulate many body functions and maintain a healthy skin. Hypothyroidism affects the skin to a great extent. It decreases sweating, causing the skin to become dry and look pale. The skin becomes prone to rashes, acne, and coarseness. A hypothyroid person may be left with sparse, brittle hair which come out in handfuls and slow-growing ridged and brittle nails.

7. Muscle cramps and joint pain

Muscle and joint pain that is felt is normally due to the swelling that puts pressure on the nerves and muscles, leading to pain, often followed by cramps, tendonitis and stiffness of the legs and arms. The sensation is similar to an involuntary tightening of the muscle group that cannot be controlled any more. There are many causes which bring about cramps and joint pains, but malfunctioning of thyroid gland may contribute a great deal to this illness.

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