Head Lice Diagnosis

Head Lice: Diagnosis

Top Diagnosis

1. Symptom diagnosis

Determining on the basis of general signs and symptoms of head lice is a most common form of diagnosis. The primary symptoms of head lice infestation are itchy scalp, rash on the neck, shoulders and scalp, and tiny nits or eggs at the bottom of the hair. Generally, the lice on scalp are difficult to find due to fast movement, and nits on the hair are sufficient clue of lice infestation. It is on the basis of these symptoms that the diagnosis is first conducted, and the patient is kept under regular doctor attention. Often, the patient needs to revisit the doctor after treatment procedure.

2. Magnifying glass testing

Another diagnostic tool that is used in determining head lice infestation is the use of a powerful microscope. In this diagnosis procedure, a fine-toothed lice comb is used to brush through the patientโ€™s hair, usually under a bright light or full sunlight. Finding scalp lice is significantly difficult, and as such, a magnifying glass and bright light is used in detecting any scalp louse in the patient. Generally, detection of at least one scalp louse, validate head lice infestation. However, presence of nits at the hair ends is not sufficient clue for determining an infestation. As such, detection combing is often considered the best diagnostic tool for head lice.

3. Wet detection combing

Often, simple head detection fails to determine the presence of head lice. In such cases, wet detection combing is practiced in diagnosing head lice infestation. For this procedure, first the hair is washed with an ordinary shampoo followed by a good amount of conditioner. A wide-toothed comb is used in untangling the hair properly. After this, a louse detection comb is brushed through the wet hair, making sure the teeth of the comb reach every hair slot perfectly and touch the scalp lightly. Now the comb is drawn till the ends of hair and checked for any louse. The procedure is repeated throughout the hair and even after washing off the conditioner.

4. Dry detection combing

This is another important lice diagnosing tool that can be tested at home, or under medical supervision. Untangle and straighten the hair with an ordinary comb. Now use the louse detection comb to brush through the entire scalp and across every hair section, in a methodical manner. Comb down each hair section till the ends, brushing through each section three to four times. Check the comb for any louse. Repeat the procedure for the entire hair. This is a continuous diagnosis procedure, and should be performed at home on a regular basis. The procedure needs to be conducted even after the treatment process.

5. Egg detection

Since crawling lice on the scalp cannot be diagnosed easily, finding the nits at the ends of hair ensures hair lice infestation to certain extent. Generally, eggs attached firmly within almost ยผ inches of the hair shaft base suggest that the person might be infested. The nits are visible with naked eyes also, and sometimes a magnifying glass is used in reconfirming the same. This diagnosis procedure is repeated through multiple stages, over the period of treatment. However, this process does not confirm infestation at any point of time. To diagnose infestation properly, it is important to find at least one scalp louse.

6. Clinical tests

Since misdiagnosing lice infestation is more common, often dandruff, dirt or hair spray particles are confused to be nits. As such, detection combing and certain other clinical tests are conducted to determine the presence of scalp lice. Even if one louse is diagnosed, it is important that you attach it to a sticky tape and take it to your doctor for reconfirmation. Professionals from health departments and agricultural extension officers are also proficient in clinically confirming the presence of head lice. Generally, the louse is diagnosed under a magnifying glass to reconfirm its state. Thus, it is important to conduct clinical tests for diagnosing lice infestation.

7. Lice light detection test

Lice light has been a more recent concept in the world of head lice diagnosis tools, and is specifically used in detecting live lice and eggs. Since lice are very difficult to detect with naked eyes, this powerful light system has been introduced that helps in easy recognition of lice infestation. The light makes the lice eggs glow under strong illumination and become easily visible to naked eye. A lice comb is used in addition to the lice light in accurate diagnosis of head lice infestation. This is one of the most convenient and precise diagnosis procedures for head lice and must be repeated across the entire treatment procedure.

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