Handling couvade syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy

Couvade syndrome

Couvade Syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy is a condition when a healthy man, whose partner is expecting, also experiences symptoms related to pregnancy. The man suffering from couvade syndrome, also undergoes various body changes such as change in appetite, nausea, weight gain, mood swings, etc. The causes of sympathetic pregnancy have not yet been determined. Hypotheses suggest psychosomatic as well as biological reasons for this type of syndrome. Studies suggest that men who empathize with their pregnant partner, especially first pregnancy, tend to have couvade syndrome. It is also shown that hormonal changes are quite high in fathers, weeks before their baby’s birth. However, the exact role of hormones in a man during their partner’s pregnancy is still unknown. Couvade Syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy is also seen as an assertion of fatherhood and feelings of jealousy at the expectant mother’s capability to give birth to a child.

Couvade syndrome is often confused with other ailments and is difficult to diagnose because it is least expected. A variety of tests need to be performed before this disorder is diagnosed. It is seen that almost 80 percent of the men experience this disorder. The symptoms, however, end with the delivery of the baby.

Couvade syndrome symptoms

The symptoms usually surfaces at the end of the trimester and intensifies until the third trimester. Both expectant mother and father share pregnancy symptoms such as food cravings, constipation, abdominal pain, itchy skin, cramps, dental problems, decreased or increased appetite, vacillation in sexual drive and insomnia.

Handling couvade syndrome

There is no standard medical treatment recommended for Couvade syndrome. Managing and understanding the symptoms is the best treatment for sympathetic pregnancy. Understanding each other, taking good care of the health are some of the ways to deal with the symptoms of the syndrome.

1. Communicate

Couples should talk about their future and the baby and frankly discuss any issues or concerns, if any. Expectant fathers should actively involve themselves during pregnancy. An open transparent talk with each other is the key to subside couvade syndrome. Soothing each other’s parental concerns can go a long way in alleviating anxiety and stress. If there are daunting problems, they should discuss and attempt to arrive at amicable solutions.

2. Accept and acknowledge

It is important for to-be dads to acknowledge that couvade syndrome is not another illness that can be brushed away. If the symptoms are overwhelming, you should seek medical help and therapy that can help to reduce the levels of discomfort.

3. Involve the dad

On the other hand, even though a mom has to contend with the pregnancy symptoms herself, it is also important for her to empathize and understand the pains of the expectant father. The whole idea of a father suffering from pregnancy symptoms is not something that can be laughed off but needs to be considered seriously. Making him involved in the entire process will boost his confidence and allay his fears. Include him right from antenatal classes to shopping for the baby’s room. These and other combined activities will help you and your partner to prepare for pregnancy, labor, and child birth.

4. Maintain good health

Sign up for a yoga or a pilates class together that will help to maintain your partner as well as your health. Yoga helps in controlling stress and anxiety with its many relaxation techniques. It also assists you in getting good sleep. Pilates help you maintain posture and can relieve you of back pain and maintains body weight.

5. Balanced diet and rest

Indulging in cravings is one of the prime factors that contribute for heartburn, weight gain, and indigestion. Balanced diet with enough nutrition coupled with good amount of exercise will keep you and your partner healthy. The stress of pregnancy and the future can be giving both of you sleepless nights. Creating a soothing atmosphere, massaging, aromatherapy are some ways to ensure that both the to-be parents get adequate rest and sleep.

6. Knowledge is power

Reading and watching books/videos together on pregnancy, labor pain, and child birth can give both of you knowledge to combat the pregnancy stress and anxiety. Understanding the symptoms and becoming knowledgeable will help you lead a stress-free pregnancy. Even visits to OB/GYN together and getting the concerns clarified from a medical professional will put some of your fears to rest.

Remember that Couvade Syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy is not a permanent disease. It disappears immediately after the birth of the child. It is important that as father to-be, you must not let your partner undergo any stress. Both you and your partner must spend the days welcoming your baby and the ways to keep the baby healthy and happy.

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