Exercises you can do at your desk for back and neck pain

Due to long office hours, once in a while you encounter back and neck pain. Scientists say that back and neck pains are not like a disease. With easy and quick exercises, you can easily fix your back and neck pains. Wherever you do these exercises, just make sure you are not carrying any other medical condition. if you have so, it would be better to consult your doctor before doing these.

Shrugging and rotation

This is a remedy for shoulder and neck pain that happens because of typing, writing, sitting with a bad posture on the chair, etc.


Sit straight and hold your seat.

Pull your shoulders upwards towards your cheeks (as in shrugs) and hold them right there. Now start rotating your neck clockwise and then anti-clockwise.

Slowly release your shoulders in normal position.

Repeat this for 5 times.

Throughout this exercise, keep breathing normally.

Shrugging and rotation puts pressure on the target muscles of shoulder and neck. In result, you feel relief. If you have any kind of upper body injury, consult your doctor or stop doing this exercise once you feel irritation.

Neck stretch and extensions


Sit straight. Breathe out, hold and curve your chin towards your chest. Breathe in while coming back to normal position.

Breathe out, hold and throw your head slowly backwards. Breathe in while coming back to the normal position.

Breathe out, hold and curve your head by taking your right ear towards your right shoulder. Breathe in and come back to the normal position.

Breathe out, hold and curve your head by taking your left ear towards your left shoulder. Breathe in and come back to the normal position.

Neck extensions:

Breathe out, hold and slowly curve your head first from front to right. Hold for few seconds. Breathe in and come back to front position. Repeat the same with your left side. These stretching and extension exercises will keep your neck pain away. You can easily do it anytime in your office.

Back extension

It’s normal to have back pain or tight back from long office hours. Here is a quick extension to fix your back pain. Avoid if you have any shoulder injury.


Sit straight on your chair.

Now stretch your both hands to your front and away from your body. Breathe normally.

You can join the back of your both hands or both the palms; it is entirely up to your comfort level. Now exhale, hold and down your head towards your chest. This will extend your back muscles.

Hold it right in that position for few seconds. Inhale while coming back to normal position.

Chest extension

Office chairs have one benefit that you can use them for your exercises.


Sit straight with normal breathing.

Slowly take your hands behind your chair back and hold your hands.

Keep breathing normally and hold this position for few seconds.

Relax, slowly release your hands and come back in normal position.

You can also perform this exercise by using a resistance band which are easily available in sport departments.

Repeat 5-10 times.

This exercise will extend your chest and contract your back. Contraction of the back will release you from stiffness. Make sure your office chair has a lean back so that your hands won’t hurt while going to the back side.

Upper body stretch

Upper body stretch will improve the blood circulation in your upper body region.


Sit straight on a chair or stand up straight on the floor.

Lace your fingers and take your fingers and hands towards the ceiling.

Inhale and extend your hands as much high as you can. Hold for few seconds.

Gradually open your hands, exhale and come back in normal position.

Upper body stretch targets your back muscles and relieves them from pain. Get medical advice if you bear any kind of injuries in your shoulders, hands or back.

Head-hand coordination

This coordination is done in the order to get rid of neck pain gradually.


Sit straight on a chair keeping your both hands down to your sides.

Now stretch your left hand away from your body and simultaneously stretch your neck in your right direction.

Now lift your right hand and put beneath your head. Press your right hand with your head for few seconds. This will cause stretch in your neck muscles.

Release the pressure without changing the head and hands’ positions. Repeat in the same pose for 10-15 times and come back to normal position.

Repeat the same procedure with your left hand. Put your breathing to normal throughout the exercise.

This exercise is very easy. If you feel headache, stop immediately. This exercise can be performed when your head, hands and neck are in normal condition.

A backward arch

The forward arch position (stooped) severely affects your back muscles. To refrain from back pain, follow this simple exercise.


Stand straight in the middle of the room to get free space in every direction.

Now put your right palm on your right hip and left on the left hip.

Breathe normally. Now breathe out and bend your body backwards making a backward arch throwing your head behind. Do not remove your hands from the hip.

Bend as much as your body and hands on the hips allow. Hold for few seconds.

Slowly come back to your normal standing position. Now remove your hands from the hips.

Repeat this for 5-10 times as per your comfort level.

It is a multi-beneficial exercise. When you arch back, your front body and neck muscles stretch, back muscles get active and improve blood circulation and hip muscles also get toned up. For the first time users, this exercise may cause a bit dizziness initially. So, bend little initially and then increase your arch area.

Ardh dhunsh asana

This is a yoga asana which makes your back and neck pain away. This is a bit tough exercise but you can master it once you get habituated.


Lie on a mat with your face down. Relax.

Now try to hold your right foot with your right hand and then left with your left hand. This will be tricky to perform. Do not exert pressure on your body to avoid troubles.

Exhale and slowly lift your head throwing it back as much as you can. This will put you in a half bow position. In yoga, it is known as ardh dhanush asana.

Hold your body and breathe in this position for few seconds. Gradually release your hands and head coming back to normal position.

Repeat for 4-5 times or according to your comfort level.

This exercise increases the body flexibility. As this asana needs strong posture, weak, injured or ill people should never do this. Do this only when your body is comfortable. Seek for medical advice if you are keen to do this asana.

Swinging head

This is a kind of fun exercise. Without putting you to the much effort, you can actually get rid of neck pain. It is also beneficial in relieving stress. Listening music will increase the fun factor.


Sit on a chair straight and little bit forward.

Now bend your head backwards and swing it from right to left and then left to right.

Now take your head to the front and touch your chest by your chin. Again swing your head in the same pattern.

You can perform this simple exercise many more times in a day or according to your schedule.

Neck-hand grip

You can perform this exercise during talking etc., secretly without letting everyone know about your neck pain or exercise routine. It is easy and simple. Avoid in case of finger or head injury. This can be done anytime.


Stand or sit straight.

Take your hands behind your neck and make a grip over there.

Now press your head firmly to the hand grip. Do not bend your neck. Simultaneously, exert pressure on your neck through your hand grip.

The forces working in opposite directions will put your neck muscles in action and will give you a relaxed neck over the period of time.

Repeat for 10 times.

Few daily and small exercises

Always sit straight on the chair. This will not put additional pressure on your back and neck.

Usually offices have their own resting areas where employees can relax themselves for a while. Excuse yourself and go to resting areas. Lie down a bit. Relax and breathe. It will put your whole body in relaxing mode including your back and neck.

Use thin pillows for sleeping. Using no pillows is not at all wise. But using thin pillows will keep your body posture straight and correct while you are asleep.

Never lift heavy things if you are facing back and neck pains. Heavy items put pressure on your back and neck muscles.

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