Diarrhea Prevention

Diarrhea: Prevention

Top Prevention

1. Reduce caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulating drink and many of us cannot live without a cup or two of coffee a day. But, caffeine can also loosen stools. If caffeine is found to be the reason behind your diarrhea, reduce its intake and see if your symptoms improve.ย 

2. Dairy products

Dairy products are a major source of allergic reactions for many. If you are found to suffer from lactose intolerance which surfaces as frequent episodes of diarrhea when you consume milk products, make it a point to keep away from all dairy products to stop diarrhea and accompanying discomfort.ย 

3. Reduce stress

Stress is one factor that can lead to an upset stomach. Frequent stressful situations can affect your stomach and measures to control stress like yoga and meditation can be taken up in such cases in order to reduce the levels if anxiety, which can also cause many other health problems. Natural remedies like taking chamomile tea can also be tried to keep your mind and body healthy.ย 

4. Diet food

Many diet foods can cause diarrhea as they contains sorbitol which can loosen stools and cause diarrhea. Try and avoid such foods if you have a susceptibility to frequent episodes of diarrhea. Junk food too can cause diarrhea in many as it can contain many ingredients which may irritate your stomach. If you find that they do not suit your stomach, avoid them completely.ย 

5. Cook thoroughly

Whilst over-cooking is not advisable when it comes to vegetables as it can lead to loss of vital nutrients, meat and other food items require thorough cooking to remove bacteria. While cooking, make sure that you cover the food with a lid which will help in retaining the nutrients and also in killing the bacteria much more effectively.ย 

6. Wash fruits, vegetables thoroughly

Washing all fruits and vegetables thoroughly before cooking or eating is a great way to stay away from many diseases and diarrhea. Washing several minutes under flowing water will remove all the germs that can cause diarrhea. It can also help remove the harmful pesticides that are lodged on the surface.ย 

7. Hygienic habits

Food items that have fallen on the floor must never be consumed, even if they are dry items like biscuits. Several harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause dangerous infections exist on the floor and we might be directly putting ourselves at risk of stomach infections and diarrhea by consuming food items that have fallen on the floor. Kids should be taught the importance of throwing away food if it has fallen on the floor.ย 

8. Sudden diet changes

Sudden changes in your diet can cause diarrhea. It is very important to introduce changes very slowly so that your stomach gets time to adjust to the new diet regime. Be careful about introducing a high amounts of fiber in your diet suddenly as it can cause diarrhea. Vegetables, fruits, dairy products, grains etc. which you have never taken before must not be taken together. You can introduce each one at a time and wait for any possible reaction, and then keep adding slowly which will give the stomach enough time to adjusted to the new food.ย 

9. Wash your hands

Washing your hand before eating food is one of the oldest habits that your mother must have instilled in you. However, washing your hands need not just be limited to before taking food. It must be a hygienic practice that must be followed after you visit a public toilet, have been outdoors for too long, have cleaned your children after bowel movement, after touching unhygienic places etc. to mention a few. While traveling, carry a good antibacterial soap at all times in your bag.ย 

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