Diarrhea Diagnosis

Diarrhea: Diagnosis

Top Diagnosis

1. Barium

This is a milky fluid which is able to absorb and reflect X-rays. It is kept inside your bowels with the rectum. It coats the lower intestines lining making that area easier to see on an X-ray. It helps to detect ulcers, abnormal growths, and thickening of the large intestine, which are all signs of diarrhea. Before performing this test, you will be advised to stay on a liquid diet and take laxatives. The test takes 1 to 2 hours to get finished. The doctor inserts a lubricated enema tube inside the rectum. Barium is then inserted with the tube. The doctor re-positions you many times to make sure that the barium coats the walls of the colon. The doctor will then take X-rays after which the tube is removed. Once the test is done you can get back to your normal activities.

2. Physiological tests

Such a test is performed to check for mucosal absorption. It helps to diagnose unusual cases of chronic diarrhea. To perform this test, a D-xylose test is done where many measurements of bile acid and small bowel are considered. Other tests like breath hydrogen also help in evaluating lactase deficiency. The test is simple, but can be time consuming.

3. Endoscopy

In this process, a light and flexible endoscope is used for viewing the upper GI tract. The tract includes the stomach, esophagus and duodenum. By performing this test, the doctor can remove stuck objects like food. It also helps in treating bleeding ulcers. Some doctors use it to perform a biopsy of the tissues in the upper GI tract. In order to perform this test, the patient is not allowed to drink or eat for 4 to 8 hours. Medicines are also restricted before and after upper GI endoscopy. After the test is performed, some patients might experience problem while swallowing, vomiting, fever, and dark stool.

4. Sigmoidoscopy

To perform this test, the doctor uses a special instrument called a colonoscope. To start this test, your blood pressure, oxygen level in your blood, and pulse are monitored. The doctor performs a rectal exam with a lubricated finger, then the colonoscope is inserted. When the scope slowly passes, you will feel a movement in your bowels. To make the test easy, air is introduced. You will feel cramping or heaviness. Your doctor will examine the left side of the colon. Once the process is over, the scope is withdrawn after a thorough exam of the colon. Afterwards, a colonoscope is used by the doctor for other problems that need evaluation, treatment and diagnosis. The procedure takes 10 to 15 minutes. It is bit complicated process, but gives accurate results.

5. Laboratory tests

There are different lab tests which are performed to identify diarrhea. These tests are especially performed if diarrhea is caused due to pathogen like Ova and parasite testing. In this test, a microscopic evolution of stool is done for parasites. Other tests like antigen is performed for cryptosporidium and giardia. Such tests also help in understanding if protein is getting structured by the parasites. However, such tests are extremely sensitive and you may need to do it one more time if the result isnโ€™t accurate.

6. Imaging

This test is performed to know if the signs of diarrhea are increasing. Imaging also includes other test like RI, CT scan and other scanning tests. With these tests, doctor gets a multi-dimensional view of the digestive tract. It is easy to perform and hardly takes a few minutes.

7. Stool exam

This is a common diagnostic tool used for examining stool for parasites, harmful bacteria, or overgrowth of the bacteria found in the intestine. This test is performed for treating the symptoms of diarrhea which do not resolve on their own. It also detects the pathogens that causes signs like blood or mucus in stool, vomiting or abdominal pain. To perform this test, neither doctor nor patient has to prepare anything. In this test, stool is collected in a container and then taken to lab for further testing. The test is simple and does not cause any pain.

8. Colonoscopy

This test is performed for finding about bloody bowel movements, weight loss, diarrhea or other such altered bowel habits. To perform this test, the doctor will check the entire colon. It is performed with the help of a colonoscope, which is a flexible tube and is as thick as your index finger. A tiny video camera with a light on the end is attached to it so that your rectum can be examined along with the lower part of your colon. In this process, your blood pressure, the oxygen level in your blood, and pulse will be monitored carefully. The doctor maneuvers the instrument for examining the inner lining of the colon from the anus to the cecum. There is a channel allowing instruments to be passed to take stool samples, and remove polyps. A picture from the colonoscope is taken and examined on a TV monitor for descriptive view of the colon. You will not feel any discomfort while performing this test. You may feel abdominal pressure during the test. With a colonoscope, the doctor will take a close look for any polyps or other problems that needs evaluation or treatment. The process takes between 10 to 15 minutes.

9. Fasting tests

Fasting test is performed to find if any allergy is causing diarrhea. To perform this test, doctors will ask the individual to avoid foods that contain carbohydrates, lactose, wheat and other ingredients. By putting such a limitation, doctors can understand whether the diarrhea responds to a change in diet. The test will not harm the patient except there might be some loss in weight. The test is easy to perform and takes almost 15 days to see the results.

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