Decoding the link between a clean bedroom and a good night sleep


A good night’s sleep is great for your health. You feel refreshed and rejuvenated and are ready to take on the world. And if you don’t sleep well at night, you feel drowsy, tired and experience fatigue. Your bedroom could hold the key to you sleeping well. Along with a healthy sleep routine, avoiding stimulants before sleeping and regular exercise can be of a lot of help. Creating a good environment, a ‘clean’ bedroom could make a difference to your quality of sleep. Take a look at how you can convert your bedroom into a place that gives you complete rest:

Room design

Room design

Your bedroom should be such that it relaxes you, and helps you in falling asleep. Did you know that the clutter in your room, such as laundry, books, work things and storage can actually prevent you from falling asleep? A bedroom is meant to be slept in, so design or convert your stuffy room into an ordered and clean space that is welcoming, looks good and is free from distractions. It’s advisable to have a neutral color scheme in the bedroom, including the bedding and walls. Making the bed every morning will make your bedroom look neat and clean, which will make you fall asleep.


Your body’s circadian rhythms are dependent on the cycle of darkness and light, which tells it when it’s time to rest. Artificial and natural light hinders the production of melatonin, the hormone which induces sleep. If you have artificial lights such as night lights, TVs, LEDs and mobile phones on in the bedroom, your body’s circadian rhythm is disrupted, and you have a tough time falling asleep. So switching off the lights and making your room dark, and avoiding late night TV and social media at night can help to create a restful atmosphere and thus help you fall into a sound sleep.




According to some studies, some scents can induce sleep. Jasmine, lavender, vanilla are fragrances which create a calm and soothing atmosphere, as well as signalling your body that it can wind down.


Your breathing plays an important role in falling asleep.  If you have any problems breathing, you should get yourself checked and take any medication or measures that your doctor tells you. The air quality within the bedroom should be good, so that sleep disorders are controlled. Keep the room dust free, and keep some plants which clean indoor air. Aloe vera, ferns and snake plants can do the trick.



Sounds can keep your brain alert and save you from other noise that either disturb you or stops you from sleeping. Ambient sounds like the fan is enough if you have to have some background noise, or get a sound machine. Sounds from the TV will keep you awake, and if traffic and the barking of dogs disturb you, buy earplugs to keep the sound-out.


Keeping the bedroom cool can help in keeping the body’s temperature down and inducing proper rest. According to sleep experts, 18 degrees C or little bit warmer or colder, is the optimal temperature for the bedroom. Find the temperature which is the most comfortable for you and thus enjoy a cozy rest at night.



One of the most important factors which can either help you or stop you from sleeping, is the quality of your bedding. The lifespan of 10 years is perhaps the best you can get out of your bedding. If it’s lumpy, sagging or damaged, you may wake up tired, aching and stiff, so you should probably invest in a good mattress.

It’s the same for pillows – if they are no longer comfortable, it is best to replace them.

Your sheets too can be the reason why you are not comfy enough. Some fabrics trap heat and make you uncomfortable, so choose sheets that are made from breathable cotton. Wash and replace your bed sheets weekly, to keep them clean and crisp.

If you fall asleep after 5 minutes of trying to sleep and need an alarm to wake, it’s a sign of sleep deprivation. Falling asleep within 10-12 minutes means you are getting enough sleep. Arranging you bedroom in a certain way can help you sleep well, especially if you stick to your sleep routine.

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