Concealing psoriasis: 4 make-up tricks

Suffering from Psoriasis

People have the tendency to judge on outward appearances and it doesn’t help that the media constantly advocates beauty without flaws. A person who has to live with a skin condition like psoriasis finds it very hard to deal with the circumstances. It is not so bad if psoriasis’ symptoms can be hidden, however, if they are visible, the patient are at the mercy of stares and feel very self-conscious.

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious skin condition that manifests as thick, scaly lesions on the skin, called plaques. The condition is evident in both men and women at any age, more common between 15 and 35. For people living with psoriasis, they have to go through a rollercoaster of emotions because of how they are perceived by the outside world.

Makeup can offer some solace to patients, provided they find the right products that are capable of camouflaging their skin without any harm. Also, cover-up depends on the location and severity of the lesions in addition to the frequency and intensity of the outbreaks that varies according to stress, injury and seasonal conditions. The methods used to mask lesions on the face will differ from those used to disguise the same patches on other parts of the body.

The following tips present an effective strategy to present a more confident face to the world.

Remove Scales

The lesions can be removed in a few steps but the method varies according to severity. Take a soak in a lukewarm bath and then, do a thorough rubdown with a loofah sponge. Be careful not to overscrub as the infected skin may worsen and cause psoriasis to spread. Patients also have the choice of mild, over-the-counter (OTC) soaps that contain salicylic acid to remove minor scaling.

Patients suffering from major outbreaks should try ‘occulusion’ therapy. The steps dictate you lather rich lotion onto the psoriasis patches, wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it overnight. In the morning, you can wash the scales away. Removing the scales allows moisturizers and medicated creams to permeate the skin to reach and treat the inflammation. Be sure to consult a doctor before you try any prescription creams. Sleep with olive oil on your scalp during the night before washing the oil and loose scales out the following morning with a salicylic-acid shampoo is another good occlusion remedy.


Never cover cracked or bleeding lesions with make-up. The probability for an inflammation or an infection is very high. Apply a small coating of concealer, foundation or any other cosmetic mask to hide the inflamed areas. Special brands like Dermablend or Covermark are designed to conceal coat burns and scars; hence, they can camouflage deep redness.


Daily moisturizing reduces the redness of psoriasis scales and relieves the intensity of the lesions. Creams are a better option as they have a higher moisturizing content than lotions. Gels are high in alcohol whereas lotions consist of lesser emollients. Always go for products labeled hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, alcohol-free or “for sensitive/rosacea skin”, as these kinds are the most suitable for psoriasis skin types.

Furthermore, moisturizers including ingredients such as ceramides, lipids, and hyaluronic acid— substances known to help retain moisture — help to preserve the hydration levels of the skin’s upper layer. It is cosmetically and clinically favorable for psoriasis patients. Doctors advise patients to clean their skin with non-abrasive milky cleansers and to avoid harsh granular scrubs.

If you suffer from severe psoriasis, you doctor will suggest some good prescription creams for you.

A patient recommended a moisturizer plus primer as the best application for psoriasis skin. It smooths over the patches for a constant finish so when you apply make-up, it appears even and flattering.


Scarves, jackets, hats and others accessories divert attention or hide the areas inflicted with psoriasis patches. Women can look gorgeous in lovely, eye-catching jewelry that draws eyes away from a patchy face or any lesions on the arms. Men will look dashing irrespective of the patches on their skin if they sport a colorful tie or a shiny pin on their lapel. Even a well-cut and elegant blazer will do the trick to imbue self-assurance in the person.

Worried about skin flakes on your clothing? Light colors and patterned fabrics ensure the visibility of these flakes is reduced.

Through trial and error you will find the best products and techniques to manage your skin condition. Subsequently, you can face the world as a positive, resilient individual with nothing to be embarrassed about.

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