Children’s Health Guide

7 Best ways to help your children avoid head lice

A head lice problem in children is the bane of many parents who struggle to get rid of these wingless parasitic insects who breed on the scalp and thrive by sucking on blood drawn from the scalp. This is a very common problem that is found in children es

Healthy and yummy flax seeds recipes for your fussy children

Flax seeds are a power house of many nutrients and contain various other health benefits, especially for children. They are rich in fatty acids which are vital to a child’s brain development. These seeds also boost immunity in children. Only two tablesp

Parent alert! The most harmful foods for your growing children

Giving your child a balanced and nutritious diet is important as it helps to foster growth and development. There is no need to ban any kind of food, however, there are certain foods that should be avoided as far as possible. Do not keep such foods at h

Happy summer fruit appetizers kids will love

Come summertime, if you have kids, you are sure to find yourself in a house full of young ones with surprisingly large appetites, and absolutely no patience. Playdates, sleepovers, birthday parties: these occasions will sometimes leave you at a loss for t

Healthy vegetable juice recipes your kids will love

Healthy vegetable juices can promise your kids a blooming health with three important health benefits: Increased consumption of vegetables, source of essential vitamins and minerals, and more variety in their routine. While juicing vegetables, it is impor

9 Strategies to prevent the occurrence of diabetes in your child

If there is one disease World Health Organisation is worried about after cancer, it is definitely diabetes. The prevalence of this disease among children is one big question everyone is trying to solve. In the process to solve it, WHO has recommended best

Exercises to help your child grow taller

Along with a balanced nutrition and healthy lifestyle, a child can also benefit from several height increasing exercises during the growth years. While for an adult it is a bit difficult to increase the natural growth of the body, growing children with re

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