Cervical Cancer Prevention

Cervical Cancer: Prevention

Top Prevention

1. Get a regular Pap smear

Many women tend to neglect but Pap smear can rather be one of the most reliable and crucial defenses against cervical cancer. In fact, the Pap smear can help you identify the significant cervical changes early before they take a serious form and transform into cancer. Considering the fact that more than 9,000 women across the United States happen to develop cervical cancer every year, women tend to overlook the significance of the Pap smear. Thus, to ensure you do not fall into the same unfortunate segment, make sure to consult your doctor and check cervical cancer screenings to discover how frequent you should have a Pap smear.

2. Downsize or narrow down the number of sexual partners you have

According to researches and studies, women who tend to have more than one or multiple sexual partners are at a higher risk for developing cervical cancers. Not only this, they also have an increased possibility of contracting HPV, which has been known as one of the prominent causes of cervical cancer. Although having several sexual partners is always a personal choice, it is nowhere less than a horde of regrettable diseases, of which cervical cancer is also prominent. Therefore, make sure that you indeed narrow down the number of sexual partners you have in order to prevent cervical cancer.

3. If you are sexually active, use a condom

At the same time, if you are sexually active then use protective measures for complete prevention against unwanted ailments or diseases. Though having an active sexual life is no harm, indulging in sex without safety may put you at an increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases and even at a higher risk for HIV. Therefore, always ask your partner to use condom to avoid any possibility or to literally fend off the possibility of engendering any STD by all corners, which in turn may enable you to trim down the risk for the development of cervical cancer.

4. Thwart second hand smoke or quit smoking

Another significant prevention method that you can adopt is the cessation of smoking. Quite often, women tend to overlook but smoking cigarettes can potentially harm their internal system and augment the risk of developing many cancers. What may worsen the situation is an HPV infection, which if combined with smoking can rather speed up cervical dysplasia. In fact, certain studies and researches have shown that smoking may indeed help HPV-16 grow faster, possibly by reining in the most crucial, helpful immune responses. Some researchers also suggest smoking may rather accelerate the process by which HPV-16 induces cancer. Thus, ensure to quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke at your best.

5. Follow up on abnormal Pap smears

Women who have had anomalistic Pap smears are highly recommended and advised to follow up consistently with their Pap smears or colposcopies as well. However, depending upon whatever the doctor has suggested. In fact, even if you have been medicated or have alleviated your situation for cervical dysplasia, you will still be required to follow up with the procedure. Many tend to slip by or not really pay attention to but if left unidentified, dysplasia can very much prance back and turn into cervical cancer. To avoid which, make sure that you are following up at regular intervals on your abnormal Pap smears, if you have had any.

6. Lead a healthy life, avoid drugs

You may have heard that several times, but leading a healthy lifestyle can indeed help you prevent many cancers. But if you happen to consume drugs, ensure to thwart them as much as possible. Taking drugs will not only increase your chances of developing cervical cancer, but will also put your future generation at a higher risk for the same reasons. In fact, to help you with the purpose and early detection, the American Cancer Society has now recommended certain important guidelines. Of which, having cervical cancer testing after three years of having vaginal intercourse holds high significance.

7. Get the HPV vaccine

Lastly yet equally important, receive the HPV vaccine which radically averts the possibility of HPV strains in women. However, women who are under 27 years of age may be eligible to receive such vaccines. Nevertheless, to notify, Gardasil, preferably known as one of the prominent HPV vaccines, was also approved by the FDA to proffer to young girls as young as 9 years. According to the medical professionals, HPV vaccine is the most effectual prevention method when provided to young women before they become sexually active. Besides getting the HPC vaccine, make sure you are consulting your doctor or medical professionals on a consistent basis to avoid any possibility of cervical cancer.

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