Beat dyslexia with these 7 awesome tips

Dyslexia is a condition that causes learning disabilities that weakens a person’s comprehension, accuracy and fluency in being able to read and remember things. This makes the person slow in understanding things. He or she is not able to remember things easily. There are many people, both kids and adults who suffer from this disorder. While such people may be slow learners, they are more creative than other people. However, listed below are few cool tips that can help coping with this problem.

Remember words fluently

Fluency is something that doesn’t come naturally to people who suffer from dyslexia. However, coping with this problem can be simple if one follows a routine of some daily activities.

Reading out loud is a great way to enhance fluency of words. This helps one recognize the problematic areas and work on them better. Spelling out words also help. Discuss if you see a pattern in the spelling of certain words and how you can remember and use them while spelling.

Playing memory games are another great way in which one can sharpen as well as increase one’s memory power.

Use numbers in a better way

People with dyslexia have a problem with remembering numbers and codes. This is essential as adults would need to remember phone number and bank account details. For students too, math is an important subject and it has everything to do with numbers.

Using numbers to relate to other things in your daily life is a great exercise for one’s brain. People suffering from this disorder should try experimenting with numbers on a daily basis. Remembering birthdays, phone numbers, house numbers, people’s age etc. are some tricks to play around and use numbers better.

A great way to remember phone numbers is to group them in three. This way you need to remember only three numbers at a time and not the entire ten digits of a number. For pin codes or door numbers, it is best to use one’s birth day or birth year. This makes it easier to remember. Using one’s knuckles to remember how many days there are in a month is another cool way to better remember days in a month.

Retrieve information faster

Being able to retrieve information faster is not one of the biggest plus points in a person suffering from dyslexia. Therefore, it is vital that he or she takes up exercises that will help him or her in this aspect. The best way to retrieve information faster is by writing it down the moment you get the information. This helps one remember it better. Also, associate information with figures or things. This makes it easier to retrieve this information.

Dividing your databases into different aspects in one’s life also helps a lot. For example, make categories such as family and friends, service providers, acquaintances, health practitioners etc. While doing this, it is absolutely vital to re check the information so that there are no records of incorrect or misleading information. Take time out at least once in three or four days to record everything happening around. Updating this database is also important.

Execute tasks smartly

People suffering from dyslexia have a problem with organizing and executing things as planned. This is mainly because they face difficulties in remembering their day to day tasks.

Executing tasks smartly gives a dyslexic person more confidence in handling situations. Making a list of the things he or she needs to do in a day is a good way to first organize and then execute one’s daily plans. This also helps a person remember things better. Time management also comes into picture here. When one lists down what he or she needs to do in a day, it is easy to see how much time a certain activity would take and thus, plan things out accordingly. Organizing is the key word here.

Navigate directions easily

While driving, keep track of the way to your destination. For an adult driving a kid to school, let the kid give you directions on how to get there. This helps to increase the brain’s functionality and helps the child organize and remember things in his mind.

For adults, try experimenting with a new route and the next day take that same route and see if you can navigate easily. This may be a problem initially but slowly things will fall into place. However, while trying out this exercise, it is important to take some one else along in case the person driving forgets the way.

Manage time efficiently

Managing and keeping track of time is another great way of copying with dyslexia. While this may be a little difficult, it really is a cool and simple exercise to keep the brain ticking. For students, remembering the time of the day or what classes they have at which hour are some of the exercises to help them manage time effectively. For grown ups, managing appointments and meetings (even if it’s just with your doctor) are some daily routines they can work on.

For dyslexic people, it is best that they use the 24 hours military time format. This makes it easier to calculate time and there is no mix up of the morning and evening hours.

Feel positive always

More than half the battle is won when one has a positive attitude towards any disorder or disease. Dyslexia is not exception to this rule. One of the best ways to deal with this disorder is to treat it, not as a disease but a rare gift. It is often found that people suffering from this order are very talented in other aspects of life. It is important to find what one enjoys and strive at being the best at that.

It is a common feeling among dyslexic people to think they are stupid or unintelligent. This is, however, very untrue. Such people are more creative and have the ability to think out of the box.

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