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Top five health help apps

As the ‘do it yourself’ mantra picks up its pace,
many health help apps are now available for you. They have made it easier to be
in control of your own health; something that you have always wished for. If
healthy living tops your priority list, you

Top five running apps

Fitness is the latest fashion that you would surely
want to stick to. Fitness is not only a craze but is also necessary to maintain
good health. Being fit is to remain healthy, free of illness and within
accepted limits of weight and fat percentage. Anoth

Top five pill aids for you

If you are suffering from illnesses, you must be
feeling closely related to the medications that you have to take on a regular
basis. Sometimes tiring, sometimes frustrating, taking pills comes with a
combination of different emotions and experiences. Man

Top five health apps for docs

In today’s fast moving world it is easier for you to
access your mobile and get the required information. Going a step further there
are mobile health apps that have made it simpler for the healthcare
professionals to stay updated by just clicking on th

Health apps for her

A woman plays many important roles in her lives. She
is often seen juggling different tasks at different times of the day. While she
is so busy doing things for everyone in the family, she has very less time to
take care of herself or to even think of her

Losing weight with apps

You may be overweight or just need to maintain your
weight for good health; a weight loss regime will be of great help to you. You
may have tried many options like counting calories, eating less, working out
more or joining health clubs with huge membersh

Top most food apps

These days with the use of high tech smart phones
taking charge of your own health has become even easier. There are numerous
applications commonly called as ‘apps’ that can be easily downloaded on your
smart phones and used as per your requirements.

Approved HIV home test

With the rising incidence of HIV, it is important
that people regularly undergo HIV tests. While the laboratory tests can be
expensive and might not be convenient for all, there is a need that people have
a more easy option. Moreover, this, also being a p

Apply yoga in your life

Yoga is a way of life and most of you must already
be aware of the goodness of yoga. While yoga can prove beneficial in
maintaining suppleness and strength of your body, it also helps in managing
your stress and improving your sleep.

When you are taking

Home tests for infections

The commonest illnesses usually observed are originated from certain infections. Infections are caused by micro-organisms like bacteria, virus and others. They enter the body through various routes and begin affecting the health. When a person is infected

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