9 Methods to help an adult with bipolar disorder

Everyone has mood swings from time to time. However, a person suffering from bipolar disorder has extreme mood shifts that last for a prolonged period of time. The mood swings can range from extremely happy to extremely depressed. The individuals suffering from bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, might find themselves excited and full of energy at one moment and lethargic, lazy and dull, the next moment. The cause for the onset of this disorder is unknown; however, it has been found that the disorder develops in late adolescence or early adulthood. Once the symptoms of bipolar disorder are detected, the extreme mood swings can be controlled through various means and the individual suffering from this disorder can lead a normal life.

Learn about the disorder

The disorder also termed as manic depression is known to cause behavior that is otherwise uncharacteristic of the individual. During extreme phases of depression or anger an individual might slap a person for no particular reasons or quit a long held job only to regret it later during phases of low self confidence and self doubt which again causes conflict. Bipolar disorder causes a major shift in the overall life of the individual suffering and special efforts have to be made in order to lead a normal life again. Learning about the disorder is the first step one should take towards treating the disorder. The individual suffering from the disorder should gather information about its causes, methods of treatment and medications required from reliable sources such as psychotherapist, counselor, books on the subject matter and certain authentic websites. Apart from medication holistic approaches such as yoga, acupuncture, a well balanced diet and psychotherapy helps the individual cope better with their conflicting inner selves. The importance of the support of loved ones can also never be underestimated. It is necessary for the relatives of a person suffering from bipolar disorder to understand the varying moods of the individual and help them adjust accordingly.

Medication and therapy

Bipolar disorder or manic depression can be treated partially with the help of medications. Followed up with proper psychotherapy and other holistic methods of treatment, the individual suffering from the disorder, can lead a normal life. However, self medicating is strongly advised against. An individual suffering from manic depression should approach a psychologist for better assessment of the degree of the disorder. The psychologist, after proper diagnosis might prescribe certain medications for treating the disorder and recommend proper psychotherapy. The prescribed medications should be taken on time and not in combination with other drugs as it might lead to complications. The doctor should also be questioned about the possible side effects of the medications prescribed such that the individual is aware and can take necessary precautions to avoid them. The role of therapy should also never be underestimated. Manic depression is mainly caused due to repressed feelings which are often regressed during psychotherapy and might help the individual suffering from bipolar disorder understand the underlying cause behind the suffering and may help end it altogether. Often psychotherapy reveals a snippet of information from the individual’s past that the individual himself might have forgotten as the mind represses unpleasant memories. These unpleasant thoughts create conflict in the subconscious which in turn causes extreme behavior characteristic of bipolar disorder. Hence, therapy is an essential aspect of treatment of the bipolar disorder and must be followed as per scheduled.

Stress management

Stress management is a term that simply means handling the stresses of daily life in a better manner such that they don’t turn into bigger problems that cause mood swings. Stress is an inevitable part in today’s day and age. Everyone ranging from a student preparing for an exam, to a businessman signing a million dollar deal and a housewife planning the interiors of a house have to deal with different levels of stress in their daily lives. This is because things that are planned often don’t proceed likewise, creating tensions and worries. People suffering from manic depression, however, have to be careful that they don’t take stress as it can hinder the normal functioning of the mind and cause extreme behavior. Positive handling of stress often helps reduce it and thus helps maintain the overall sanity of the mind. Meditation is often found to be the answer to stress management. The posture and the techniques involved in meditation are found to be stress busting and thus an effective method of handling the stress when things get out of control. Besides this, any activity that the individual enjoys is a good stress buster. A hobby should be pursued by an individual suffering from bipolar disorder so that the stressed mind is channelized towards more positive things that will help the individual cope better with the stress.

Healthy habits

It is the habits that we form that define the life that we lead. Hence, it is very important to develop habits that are healthy and positive in order to live a fulfilling life. Those suffering from bipolar disorder should make an effort to change the unhealthy lifestyle that causes stress and anger to develop and instead follow a lifestyle that promotes mental sanity. Simple changes such as waking up earlier than usual and exercising for an hour will not only ensure that you reach for work at time thus avoiding the stress caused due to being late, but also make you healthy and happy due to the endorphins released while exercising. Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder should mend their ways if they are heavy drinkers. Alcohol is known to cause extreme mood swings and hence needs to be refrained from. Small but effective changes in the lifestyle of the individuals suffering from bipolar disorder, ensure that they lead a normal life.

Relationships and support

Relationships and support of the loved ones is a form of therapy for those suffering from manic depression. It is probably the only source of constant counseling that an individual can receive. A tightly knit support system of close relatives and friends is necessary for the overall well being of any individual and more so for those suffering from bipolar disorder. It is not easy coping with a person suffering from manic depression as the individual can be extremely affectionate at one moment and enormously angry the next. This can often cause the loved ones to opt out of the relationship, abandoning the individual suffering from the disorder in the process. This can be very taxing for the individual and can cause irreparable damage to the psyche. Hence, the relatives and friends of such individuals should at all times, irrespective of the circumstances, provide unconditional love and support to the individual.

Well balanced diet

The importance of a well balanced diet is often forgotten when dealing with psychological disorders. However, it is very essential to the overall well being of the person suffering from bipolar disorder to have a well balanced and nourishing diet. Prolonged hunger pangs are known to have a very negative effect on the mental state of an individual. The meal timings should be scheduled and followed such that the hunger pangs don’t create havoc with the moods of the individual. Small portions should be consumed every two hours for slow release of energy. Meals should be well balanced and should contain proper proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. A diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids is known to help deal with stress better. Two servings of omega 3 fatty acids or the good cholesterol a day helps the mind to be calm and composed in demanding situations and thus is a must for the individuals suffering from bipolar disorder.


Acupuncture is an ancient and holistic method of healing the body and the mind. It is a method that involves needles being inserted by experts, at various points on the body that are known to be linked with certain internal parts of the body and thus help alleviate the cause of the disorder. Acupuncture is known to help lower stress levels and calm the mind. Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder often find themselves stressed and unable to cope with the emotions welling up which in turn causes extreme mood swings that are detrimental to the overall health of the individual. Acupuncture can help cure the constant stress of mind that an individual suffering from bipolar disorder finds himself in.


Yoga is a very ancient form of workout routine that engages the entire body and the mind. This is a very effective part of the treatment for individuals suffering from bipolar disorder. Yoga asanas are known to have a calming effect on the mind of the individual practicing it regularly. All the asanas contribute to the mental health of an individual with varying degrees of effectiveness. However, certain asanas or poses such as the lotus pose, tree pose, warrior pose, tortoise pose, triangle pose, boat pose, camel pose, corpse pose are known to lower the levels of stress. Individuals suffering from manic depression are known to get benefits from the regular practise of these asanas. It helps develop a calmer state of being thus preventing the individual suffering from bipolar disorder from extreme mood swings.

Natural supplements

There are certain vitamins and minerals that the body doesn’t get from food or the body cannot absorb them from the food, and hence it is suggested that diets be supplemented with natural products that provide the body with these essential nutrients that food otherwise cannot. Natural supplements have been known for their effectiveness in dealing with stress related disorders. Certain natural supplements help calm the mind, soothe the nerves, relax the muscles and bring about a sense of balance. For an individual suffering from bipolar disorder, natural supplements can prove to be helpful. Being natural, these supplements can be taken for a prolonged period of time. However, the natural supplements should be bought from a trusted source and should be taken only after proper consultation of a doctor. Natural supplements should only be used to supplement the diet and is not a replacement to a well balanced diet.

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